Day 3: Filling the void
At the end of everyday I sit down to start writing this thing and I always think "shit , I've got absolutely nothing to write. My day was as boring as fuck" but sometimes I surprise myself.
For example, I didn't realize this but I sleep in my clothing a good amount of the time, sometimes more than once a week. I keep odd hours, right now it's 4:30am and I'm not tired. I might stay up straight through till tomorrow. But when I'm tired I pass out as if god just hit my off switch. And when I wake up 90% of the time I have a boner and 40% of the time I have a boner and I'm almost fully dressed, no shoes though. Also I can sleep up to 15hours at a time, like a fucking house cat. These random sleeping patterns really tend to produce strange dreams, for example last night's dream included giant giraffes and a pudgy young black gang remember whom I hugged because he was weeping.
I've been having more fun in the shower recently. And it's got nothing to do with my masturbation habits. Actually I've never been a jerkoff-in-the-shower kind of guy, despite the easy clean up. There was this one time I beat off into a friends sink, but I digress. The reason is for xmas someone bought me this Axe toiletry kit with a body scrubbing thing, conditioner, deodorant, etc. I never thought I'd use it until I ran out of shampoo one day and I was too lazy to walk down the block to get some more of whatever cheap shit I normally buy. So if you hug me and notice I smell nicer or feel softer, feel free to thank my mom for her lovely gift. Thinking about it now, she might have been trying to tell me something about my showering habits or greasy hair with this gift. Knowing her that must be it.

Tonight was also my date with my gf, we have weekly date nights to keep things fun and different, long term relationships can get boring if you let them get too routine, even when your bf is as crazy as me. We cooked our own pizza tonight, sooooo good.

Thank you Rachel Ray, you'd be more attractive if you weren't so chunky.
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