Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 14 Breakfast, Haters Ball, Food debt

Day 14: Morning Edition

Here's a special morning post for anyone killing time at work. Because I've been going to bed around 7am again my end-of-the-day blog posts go up around 5 or 6pm. It's fucked up I feel like I'm always up around this time regardless of what I have to do the next day. So I'm trying to fix this by waking up earlier and going to bed at a decent hour no matter what.

When I wake up, it's almost always cranky. I've been this way since I was a kid. And as I've said before I wake up cursing, either out loud or in my head. I don't know who or what I'm cursing at, I'm assuming it's the whole world. It's easy for me to hate things in the morning. Here are a few that are coming to mind

I hate Morrissey, fucking can't stand this dude. I hate that stupid voice. I can get into maybe 2 Smiths songs in spite of this douche, I even hate people that look like this dick.
I hate dancing. It looks stupid to me, moving around to music, my ass. Fuck dancing and people who do it.

Most important of all, I hate tropical islands, all of them. I hate the sand, too much sun, people that are barefoot, feet, I HATE seeing anyone's feet (including when they're in flip-flops or sandals) surfing, surfing is stupid, surfers are worse, fuck Jack Johnson. It really pisses me off when people refer to Hawaii as "paradise", it sounds so asinine, so boring. I'd take the cold NYC gutter any day over "paradise".

Since I've been on this financial fast I've saved some money, but the few times I have gone out with friends they've paid for me. It's a nice gesture but I'm keeping track of who I owe what, and I'm starting to rack up this friendship food debt.
I owe my friend Bulo a burrito for the other night.
I owe Andy a dunkin' donuts bow tie, Also according to nutritional facts I also owe myself some sit ups.
I owe Tbag some gravy fries from a couple nights ago at St. Dymphna's. And a Cab ride.And Jimmy bought me a burger at Burger Barn the other night, shit was so good. I don't think I've left anyone out but let me know and I'll put you on the list.


Anonymous said...

no way that burger picture is real. that's what i hate... pictures of things that are supposed to make you want something and then when you actually get it its never the way its supposed to be. don't hate on dancing, it brakes a person out of their confidence issues. so does admitting to liking morrissey. just a little. doesn't he make you laugh? people who act like their pretentious when you know they are totally insecure makes me chuckle a little, in a bad person sort of way, and he's the poster child for such a feeling. bagels and cream cheese made my belly all queasy. i think its the wheat and dairy combined. add coffee too it and you have a ellie belly mess on your hands. lox ices the cake. made that mistake on sunday.
cheers eliz

Anonymous said...

No Tube Girls today?

I'd like to read your daily thoughts when you wake up.