Day 13: Ribbed for your pleasure
I think I'm in a better mood tonight because I just got laid. I had to pee the whole time, right after I went to the bathroom, felt like razorblades, hate it when that happens.
I'm not a "people" person. I have a general dislike for most. But I'm more than ok with that, I'm fine hanging out alone. It's only when I'm forced to interact with others that leads to my frustration. Life is about the the little things, nothing pisses me off more than the fucking little things. The big stuff doesn't bug me as much
"Hey, your fired" Ok, cool, that sounds about right"
"Your phone's stolen" "Sucks, karma got me again, I'll deal"
"By the way, your adopted" "No shit, thanks for the heads up, Mom"
I'm fine with all that, but what gets to me is the asshole who's decided to take a stroll down a busy sidewalk. The person who's been waiting on line with you for 10minutes and when he gets to the front starts to look at the goddamn menu. The dickhead that doesn't walk up the escalator.

Cabs are a pain in the ass too, everyone fumbling around for money and correct change/tip. Same thing goes for restaurants, my parents are the worst at that, they just sit there and read the menu like it's the Times. Dinners are the worst, when I hear people getting together for a "nice dinner" to me that sounds like my own personal hell. I'm serious, I've recently started to put my foot down, I refuse to go to dinners that involve more than 4 people. Just based on the fact that I've never been to a big dinner where someone didn't get fucked when the bill came, there's always one or two assholes that didn't pay enough.
I was trying to shit on one of my friends for watching Jersey Shore the other day, which made me wonder about the type of garbage I watch on TV. (side note: I absolutely despise this show I wish an earthquake would've hit Jersey)

When I'm at emily's I tend to watch whatever she's watching, which tonight was fashion police and keeping up with the kardashians, after awhile I start to feel like shit, I can feel what's left of my mind turning to mush. I don't watch TV, but it's not because I'm some stuck up snobbish asshole I just don't own a TV, my parents do. They'll watch Law & Order for about 14hours straight without breaking a sweat, but I listen to music or podcasts mostly.
I've been listening to this mostly, occasionally listening to This American life, that Ira Glass dude is the shit. Oh and everyday almost religiously I listen to this guy

It's about 1:43am and I'm going to try to go to bed, emphasis on the try part. I've got a big day ahead tomorrow of sitting on my ass until my girlfriend gets home from work.
I'll leave you with dessert tonight, pound cake and nutella
I don't watch any TV myself, but I do own a TV mainly for the PS3 to watch dvds or play some games. When I hear about a show, I download them thru torrents. I can't stand commercials cuz they're stupid to begin with. And the idea of channel surfing makes me nauseous. But I'm not a snobbish asshole, either. There's just too much crap on, like reality shows full of narcissistic blowhards who think they're special somehow. I wish them all aids. =)
If you want another podcast/radio show to listen to, I heartily recommend The Best Show on WFMU.
Thanks Chris, I'll check it out.
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