Day 6: Taco's for dinner
Woke up later than usual today.

I went to bed around 730am. I was up last night putting the finishing touches on a drawing I owed Byron/Kyle. Check the
other blog for a pic.
They helped me out and threw some $$$ my way for my troubles which is great.
Speaking of Kyle, him and I watched 2012 yesterday. Fucking atrocious.

I don't know what to write about first. I had very low expectations of this movie from the beginning. The second I saw John Cusack's name I knew I was in for an awful time. I couldn't tell which was worse his acting or Amanda Peet's face. Holy God that woman is vile. And he couldn't act is way out of a wet paper bag. After 2 and a half hours of praying that either Peet or Cusack gets hit with a wayward bus, nothing. Fuck this movie. Woody Harrelson is awesome in it, Danny Glover's acting is horrible but c'mon he's Danny Glover and he's playing the president. Which reminds me, I've never seen Lethal Weapon. Whatever, it was a bootleg Kyle downloaded. This crap wasn't worth the wasted bandwidth. Here's a shot of him eating his Punjabi dinner.

Awesome dude. I noticed that his apt buzzer has been hit so many times that thing is a completely different color, it's almost been worn down to a nub. I'm going to assume that he gets more vagine than anyone else I know and just doesn't talk about it. An undercover-pimp of sorts, it's the only explanation I can come up with. I bet by the time you've read this at least 2 new women have received the demon seed of this Red Aussie.

Went over Emily's place tonight, we cooked tacos. Again she did the cooking and I chopped, but I try to do my part. When it comes to chopping I'm the shit. Except when it comes to jalapenos, those fucking things leave that spicy residue on my fingers and it always leads to trouble. Last time I chopped up jalapenos I jerked off and it felt like my dick was on fire. Tonight I scratched my eye, after I thought my hands were clean but I was wrong. I couldn't see straight for awhile. I always eat better when I'm with her, she's way too health conscious to eat the shit I do. Like last night's dinner for example.

This cost me $9, how's that for a financial fast. Tomorrow though, I'll try to go grocery shopping. I can't remember the last time I was in a grocery store. Got to go to the AT&T store tomorrow too, fuck I hate having to deal with those dudes.
I received an awesome belated Birthday gift tonight from my future sister-in-law

Perfect. I hear this stuff is really good. I think I'm going to start calling my g/f white chocolate wonderful.
I leave you with a picture of a sleeping homeless guy, just because.
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