Day 10: Tie your shoes
Woke up with waffles

Before leaving the house today I decided to switch shit up and throw on some Vans

Today Emily and I went grocery shopping. I'm really crappy at it but I'm learning. I took a few pictures but most of them weren't any good, so I'm not going to bother posting any others.

Avocados for guacamole, chicken, a 1lb of gouda for mac and cheese.

Lately I've been talking on the phone more than ever. I'm no good at talking on the phone. I don't like staying on the phone too long, I run out of shit to say, I also feel obligated to be entertaining and interesting, it's no fun it's awkward. But without texts I don't have much of a choice. These are some of the people I've been talking to recently.

Since I'm using the phone and I've got 3500 extra minutes floating around I'm going to have fun with it. Like the 12yr old I am, I prank called a few people today.

I prank called them as other people they know. I recorded all the phone calls/voicemail I'll ask my friends if I can post them on here. You should hear the ridiculous voice modifiers for "Woman" or "Man" hilarious.
I need a goddamn haircut. It's getting to be way too fucking long. Twice today I forgot to put my hair up and I got food in it. Long hair is great, but it's a real pain in the ass, I don't know how women do it. Sure my hair is long and luxurious but with all the maintenance and cleaning it's almost not worth it. The other night as I was having sex with Emily my hair got in her face (missionary position). It gets in my mouth all the time and shit load of it comes out in the shower, makes me think I'm going bald.
For a night cap, a homemade chocolate milkshake. 3 scoops of ice cream,some chocolate syrup, 1/2 cup of milk, maybe a few ice cubes and toss it all in here. Luckily my hair stayed out of it.

To finish off this night's blog here's two random shots.
Here's my twitter, I think in Israeli, it's called talker there

Here's a korean karaoke place. They make parting fun and easy, awesome. I always knew parting we more sweet than sorrow.
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