Day21: I never blow my nose
I'm losing my mind being in this place.

I still live at home but I'm rarely ever here when I'm healthy. Maybe you're thinking "Well since he lives with his family maybe his mom takes care of him or something" Fuck no, my relationship to them is more like that of a boarder. I pay them rent, buy/cook my own food, do my own laundry, generally fend for myself, they're more like roommates, old, crazy, weird roommates. Why not stay at my g/f's? I don't want her getting sick either. Over here it feels like the inmates are running the asylum. With my dad and his beer belly walking around in his underwear, my mother talking to the cat as if it were a toddler. I have the distinct pleasure of hearing them arguing about anything they can, earlier today I overheard shouting about "Who moved the vacuum cleaner"
But enough about my home life, I was thinking about something earlier today, interracial couples.

(Oof, that Seal's face, jesus christ. What is that, burn scarring ? birth defect? he kind of looks like a black Freddy Krueger) I'm not opposed to it in any way, who cares, but I do notice myself thinking "Hey look at that!" when I see an interracial couple. I when I google "interracial couple" it's 90% black/white, and 10% porn. An oversight, they left out my favorite pairing.
My favorite kind of couple to see is the Asian guy/ White girl combo. I usually think "Good job, asian dude".

Sometimes I think "Hey maybe she's got some kind of asian fetish or "yellow fever". Only because I don't believe I've ever heard a girl say "Hey look over there at that smoking hot asian guy" The most popular combo has got to be the reverse, White guy with asian girl, I don't think I've ever met a white guy who didn't have a thing for asian broads, some have it worse than others. I knew this one dude who's yellow fever was so strong that not only would he only date asian girls, he couldn't tell the ugly ones from cute ones, a regular Woody Allen.
Then I remember, wait I'm in one of those relationships too.

With me being colombian (but looking like I hail from the orient) and the g/f being a mixed bag of caucasian, perhaps people look at me and think "Hey look at that asian dude with the white girl" eh fuck it.
Because I never blow my nose, during the writing of this blog I had both nostrils plugged up with tissue.
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