I don't want a phone. But I need one apparently. I think I could go on forever without one. I might be getting one soon though. As cheesy as it sounds I really do feel free. Some dude asked me how I was feeling today, I told him "great" and I meant it. I don't talk to anyone for most of the day, so I look forward to talking to certain people when I get home. Previously, I didn't look forward to talking to anyone, they were all there at my fingertips and I could give a shit.
I feel sick. I ate some pizza hut around 1030, hours later I still feel like I could barf. This should be a lesson to me, no self respecting new yorker should ever be eating pizza hut, it's blasphemy plain and simple. I can't help it though, I was raised on pizza hut which is ridiculous because both my parents are 3rd generation NY'ers and should know better.

Work is pretty standard, maintain the store most days, other days help out with the gallery stuff. Nothing too crazy ever happens. Well there was this one time this maniac that lives above the gallery threw ice water on children dressed up as Ugly Dolls. Or this other time where a construction workers legs fell through the ceiling. Here's a shot of one of our preferred customers his name is Gravy. He's more fun than all your friends.

The neutrogena is mine, facial scrub. So tonight my hair is thick my face is scrubbed my aging man skin has been fortified and I feel like puking because I've got a belly full of grade D pizza.
As I was in the shower with the Kiehls I was wondering if anyone shampoos their pubes. I mean really put the shampoo directly in the bush and lather it up real good get some conditioner in there too. I don't, but I figure someone has to be. It would probably have to be a dude who's doing that though. Most women I know aren't rocking a bush, a slight tuft of pubis maybe like a landing stripe but no 70's porno bush.
Also in the shower I was listening to a mix CD Emily made me, it was really good. But while I'm listening to it I'm already worried about how I'm going to reciprocate. I've never made a mixed cd before I'm not that kind of guy. I make fun of those kind of guys. You know that iconic scene in Say Anything... I'm almost certain I called that dude a fag the first time I saw that movie.
Tomorrow I'm starting a financial fast. Look it up. It's where you don't spend money on anything but necessities for 21days or a month depending on what site you look at. Generally they all mention God, but fuck God. He's got nothing to do with my money spending, so I'm going to omit him from the fast. So I'm going to pack a little brown bag for lunch tomorrow, I can't cook so I don't know what I'm going to put in that thing. Probably whatever I see before I leave for work. So potentially tomorrow I could end up with a can of tuna and a pop tart for lunch, yum.
I just vurped. fuck you pizza hut
1 comment:
Ha, that was probably the most random, yet entertaining, of blog posts I've read in quite some time.
You have a new fan Mr. DeNicola.
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