Thursday, January 7, 2010

2nd Day without phone

Day 2: Money can't buy me love, but it could buy me a bunch of cool shit

Just got in, it's around 3am. I didn't realize it was this late. Day 2 and I'm already kind of getting used to the fact that I can't call any one and, more importantly, they can't call me. Perhaps today seemed better because I've been listening to the Beatles all day. For xmas I bought Emily(the gf) Beatles Rock Band. Ever since then I've been on this Beatles kick so I d/l'ed their newly released box set. Their music is so good it's almost impossible to be an asshole while listening to it. Almost.
Today I woke up around the crack of noon, actually probably a few hours past noon. I didn't get to bed till 6 since I was working on a few drawings. Breakfast today was last nights leftovers, I like my breakfast food at night anyway. For example tonight's dinner was..
Yum, that goddamn bee gets me every time. Irresistible. I didn't have a lot on today's agenda. Mostly I just had to call the IRS to set up a payment plan, blood sucking mother fuckers. After talking to a dude with a southern drawl so thick I could barely understand what he was saying I figured out a reasonable payment agreement.

After that, the only thing left to do was swing by Paul's place a couple blocks away to help him with his iphone.
I jailbroke it for him awhile ago so he could use it for T-mobile. I did this for a couple reasons. First because he's an awesome dude, and second because I enjoy fucking over at&t or apple whenever I can.
Handsome dude. He lives with one of the funniest dudes I've ever met. Anyway after jailbreaking his phone again and watching some of "What a Girl Wants" I left. I also may or may not have showed him how to get free porn on his phone before I left. On a side note, that amanda bynes girl is hideous, really fugly. I checked out a couple recent pictures of her online and she looks like a tranny.
Off to Brooklyn

Which reminds me, taking the fucking train is crazy. I hope everyone eventually has the displeasure of riding the MTA once in their life. Between the homeless, the musicians, surprise construction and delays, and god knows what else, the place ends up being a fucking zoo. It's simultaneously hilarious, frightening and tedious. Lately I've caught myself just staring at the other inmates on my way to wherever I'm going. I've even taken pictures of them for god's sake!
I know this line of behavior is going to get me into trouble. I figure one day I'm going to take the picture of the wrong homeless gypsy musician and I'm going to get stabbed or thrown in front of a N train on the one day it arrives at on time.
In order to keep my eyes down during my train ride, which is where they belong I've been reading.
Ok back to today's events.

Went to a bar to say hello to a friend. Didn't stay for long. Long enough for a couple glasses of soda water, a taco, take a few pictures and I left.

I actually left without saying goodbye. Further solidifying my title as the king of the irish goodbyes. I'm the worst at bars. More like I'm the worst at any social gathering. For starters I'm horribly awkward to begin with, combine that with a general dislike of most people and not having anything to say in general almost always leads to shitty situations. Because I'll opt to do one of two things, 1 not speak to anyone (my favorite) or 2 say really obnoxious things to people I just met to piss them off. Horrible.

I have a date with Emily tomorrow it should be awesome, I'm really looking forward to seeing her. With any luck there should be some pizza and if I'm real good maybe some sexo too.


Unknown said...

These are quite amusing, well-written. I'm gonna keep reading this if you are indeed going to last without a phone.

I also wanna hear more about Mean genes next time I see you.

Unknown said...

This is good stuff.If you're all hooked onthe beatles
lately, you have to rent the Beatles Anthology. It's amazing.Its 5 disks all on the history of them!